Monday, December 2, 2019

4 Ways To Prepare Healthy Snacks For Kids

Let’s face it. Being a parent in 2019 means being incredibly pressured for time.  Between work, family and everything that comes in between, it can be easy to overlook some tasks during the day. And it’s even easier to look for a convenient compromise. But when it comes to nutrition and preparing healthy snacks for your kids, there can’t be  any compromise. Ensuring that your kids eat healthy food is a necessity.

In addition to teaching children about the value of nutrition, it’s also important to teach them how  to make the best choices. You want them to make choices that are healthy, positive and lead to productive results, and  choices that stay with them for the rest of their lives. You want your kids to be active, energetic and well-balanced. And you probably won’t find those things  in a bag of potato chips.

Even kids who are the pickiest eaters can learn to love healthy snacks.  The earlier they start, the broader their tastes will become down the road. If you’re looking to teach your kids about the value of nutrition, here are some great tips on how to prepare healthy snacks for your kids that are fun, quick and above all… delicious!

Don’t Skimp On Fresh Fruit And Veggies

This might seem like an obvious choice, but believe it or not, many parents tend to forego healthy fruits and vegetables, and offer countless excuses for their neglect. For example, parents may say that fruits and vegetables are too expensive,  too inconvenient to prepare, or that their kids just have fussy taste. But fruits and veggies rich in nutrients and vitamins aren’t difficult to prepare. They’re inexpensive, tasty and versatile. Not only that, they’re appealing to look at as well!

A bowl of fresh fruit arranged by both shape and color on your kitchen table can go a long way in promoting your child’s growing visual coordination. Many  kids adore hummus for both its flavor and its texture. There are also plenty of alternative spreads and dips including almond butter, tzatziki and cashew butter, just to name a few.  And best of all,most of these options won’t take you more than a few seconds to prepare!

Go With Whole Grain

One of the great benefits about whole grain bread is both its fiber and nutrient density. But whole grain options don’t have to be confined to bread alone. There are plenty of tasty choices to choose from when it comes to whole grain snacks like brown rice crackers, cereal, pita wraps, tortillas and even soy-based breads and wraps. In lieu of nachos, baked pitas with salsa can provide more energy without sacrificing the taste. And if your kids are pizza lovers (and who isn’t?), try swapping out traditional pizza dough for a whole wheat wrap topped with tomato sauce and plenty of low fat mozzarella cheese. Chances are your kids won’t even be able to tell the difference!

Lean On Leaner Meats

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, people are moving towards leaner meats that are lower in fat and higher in protein, with popular options like turkey breast, ham, roast beef and chicken breast. These heart healthy choices are significantly lower in saturated fat. Even better, consuming higher amounts of protein means healthier muscles, tissues and organs. Leaner meat options are  not just relatively inexpensive, they also taste great! A quick roll-up can be made from a slice or two of deli meats and reduced fat cheese for an added burst of on the go energy they won’t be able to get enough of!

Don’t Be Afraid To Treat Them To A Treat Once In A While!

Treats are not always bad in and of themselves. But unfortunately, most of them are heavily processed with added preservatives and sweeteners that are great for a quick pick-me-up followed by an inevitable crash. However, treats you make yourself can be as healthy as they can be delicious! Fresh popcorn that isn’t drenched in butter can be a great between-meals munchie., Dark chocolate mixed with grated coconut and raw cocoa powder can be made into a variety of shapes and refrigerated for a hands-on experience that helps turn your kids into little dessert chefs! As long as you don’t go overboard with refined and processed ingredients, you might find that the occasional treats can be as rewarding as they are healthy.


Nutrition isn’t something to take for granted. And at The Pillars Christian Learning Center, we emphasize three fundamental pillars of health: a healthy mind, a healthy body and a healthy faith. Find out more at The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 4 Ways To Prepare Healthy Snacks For Kids appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Monday, November 18, 2019

7 Benefits of Adequate Family Time

The importance of spending quality time with the family can’t be discounted. Quality time is paramount for strengthening bonds and raising happy children. However, in a world that’s dominated by technology, an adequate family is often overlooked and taken for granted. A lot of us are busier than ever with work, chores, and other things that distract us from what really matters. If you find yourself caught in this dilemma, here are just some of the benefits of family time that you should consider.

Building a lasting connection

Spending time together as a family is an excellent way to bond, and if you bond with your kids, then you are making your relationship with them even stronger. Healthy parent-child relationships help to nurture the overall growth and development of young kids. Make it a point to spend quality time with them on a daily basis, and to make it happen, no matter how busy you might be. If you can’t be with your kids for hours, at least make sure that you are making the most of your time when you’re together. Give them your undivided attention instead of multitasking.

The happiness of your children

Adequate family time is certainly good for all members of the family because it gives everyone a sense of security and belongingness. Besides that, it also creates a positive impact on your little one’s overall happiness and sense of well-being. Children love it when they get to interact with their family members, especially with their parents. It’s okay if you’re only together for a couple of hours. What matters is how you make these moments count. Put other things aside during family time, including work and mobile phones.

A decrease in behavioral problems

Spending quality time with your little one is also an excellent way to teach them good values and appropriate behavior. For example, engaging in a fun activity or game as a family usually involves the goal to win. This can teach kids about cooperation and teamwork. This also instills in them values such as good sportsmanship and respect.

Growing confidently

Parents who ensure that they have quality time with their kids are also helping them to grow in a secure and supportive environment. Quality time helps these young kids to grow with a good sense of self and confidence. Also, it gives them the chance to practice their problem-solving skills without the fear of making mistakes.

Nurturing their mental, emotional, and social health

As a parent, you should know that your child’s overall well-being is a priority. This means that besides their cognitive development, their mental, emotional, and social health are also paramount and should be given adequate attention. Connecting with them on a regular basis will help to make them more sociable and friendly. It will also positively impact their behavior and performance in school.

Building a child’s self-esteem

Kids who get the chance to regularly participate in activities with their parents build a sense of self-worth and self-esteem. They tend to feel more positively about themselves when they are valued by their parents. Don’t make your little ones feel as though they aren’t important because you don’t make an effort to spend quality time with them. 

You don’t have to go on expensive trips and vacations in order to have fun together. You can simply find nice outdoor activities or stay at home doing something that everybody in the family will enjoy such as watching movies, playing video games, or cooking.

Improving school performance 

A healthy relationship between parents and children creates a positive impact on a child’s academic performance at school. By spending time reading with your little one and helping them out with their homework, you are making them feel like they can always count on you to help with schoolwork and with just about anything else that they need help with.  Having this parental support can improve your little one’s academic performance in the long run.

Quality time with the family can benefit your child in more ways than one. Be sure not to take quality time for granted and always make it a point to emphasize the little moments. 

If you need more tips to help guide you through the wonderful journey of parenting or are looking for the best quality preschool to send your little one to, please feel free to contact The Pillars Christian Learning Center. 


The post 7 Benefits of Adequate Family Time appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Friday, October 25, 2019

7 Tips to Help you Raise a Well-Rounded Child

In today’s world, where kids’ abilities are measured with high-standard tests, it’s easy for parents to forget that it’s not all about academics. While educational achievements are important, a child’s talents and skills are equally important. Their talents and skills are what’s going to give them the confidence that they need to prepare for adulthood. So, how do you raise a well-rounded child? Here are some tips to assist.

Establish a solid support system

Children need to feel like they have a solid support system at home that makes them feel both confident and loved. This is the kind of environment that parents should create for their kids. Help your little one grow up to become the kind of person who is both competent and ambitious; someone who is happy and satisfied with what they have achieved. And even if they fail at times, make them feel as though they are supported and loved, no matter what.

Encourage them to be outgoing

While it’s important for children to be surrounded by loving family members and friends, it’s also crucial that they are introduced to other people and to a variety of situations. They should be given the chance to step out of their comfort zones because this is what will help them to grow. For example, you can participate as a family in volunteer activities that are hosted by your community. You can also ask your children if they want to join a summer camp or a workshop so that they get to see new faces and meet new friends. This way, they learn how to establish friendships besides the ones that they already have with their playmates in your neighborhood.

Encourage curiosity

Curiosity feeds both creativity and imagination. In order to promote curiosity in your child, you have to make them feel as though they shouldn’t be afraid of failure. If they ask you questions, give them responses that will further encourage them to explore and discover. For example, you can say things like “Great question! I’m curious about that too!” Also, don’t be too strict when your child wants to explore the outside world. It’s okay for them to get their feet dirty and to explore their surroundings.

Encourage them to learn new skills

Isn’t it nice when your child finds something that they can be passionate about? Whether it’s related to sports, music, cooking, or other stuff, it’s great when kids discover new skills at a young age. Some children may not excel in academics, but they may begin to shine once they step out of the corners of their classroom. A new skill doesn’t have to be acquired  by joining workshops or clubs. They can be formed through things as simple as unstructured play or activities at home that encourage cognitive, physical, and/or overall development.

Praise them

Praising kids doesn’t mean that they always have to be rewarded with gifts. After all, we should raise our kids to grow up knowing how to value the things that money can’t buy. Give them your approval by showering them with both your love and caring words. Make sure that you don’t only focus on the outcome of their efforts because whether they succeeded or not, won or lost, the important thing is that they did their best.

Make time for reading

It’s never too early to encourage your child to read. Create the kind of environment that promotes reading by surrounding them with fun and exciting reading material. Take the time to read to them, especially before bedtime. Also, raising a well-rounded child requires you to be a good role model. Show them the importance of reading by indulging in your own favorite reads instead of thumbing through your mobile phone. 

Developing a love for reading at a young age promotes language development. It also promotes one’s imagination and teaches children about empathy.

Don’t push them too hard

While we want our kids to discover new hobbies outside of school, it’s imperative to remember not to push them too hard. Some kids quit activities when they feel pressured. Let them complete activities because they love and enjoy them, and not because that’s what you want for them. If they want to quit and try other hobbies, allow them to do so.

It’s not easy to raise a well-rounded child, but it’s also not impossible. Follow these tips to help you raise kids who are happy, confident, and successful.

Need more tips on parenting? Or are you looking for a school that promotes holistic growth and development? Feel free to visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center for more.

The post 7 Tips to Help you Raise a Well-Rounded Child appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

How to Make a Child Interested in Studying

The desire and ability to learn vary with every child. Some are naturally born to be good learners while others are not. This is where parents come into play. However, many parents make the mistake of believing that learning is limited to the four corners of a classroom. Schools may be the primary source of education, but if you want to extend your child’s ability to learn, you can make that happen right in the comfort of your own home. Developing an interest in learning can benefit a person from childhood to adulthood. And if you’ve been wondering how to make a child interested in studying, here are some helpful tips you can use. 

Create an environment that encourages reading

It’s true that kids who develop a love for reading develop a love for learning. Therefore, be sure to fill your child’s world with reading. Create an atmosphere of reading at home by surrounding them with fun materials they are interested in reading. Look for a cozy and quiet spot somewhere around the house and create a reading corner. Take time to read with your child to demonstrate how important this activity is.

Reading can benefit your child in many different ways. Not only will it help enrich their vocabulary, but it will also improve their brain’s ability to communicate and process concepts.

Discover what their learning style is 

Every individual is a different type of learner and as a parent, it is important that you know which type of learner your child is. They might be a verbal, visual, auditory, logical, physical, social or solitary learner. They may have a dominant style but some kids use a mix of a number of styles. Help them discover and explore different learning styles so you can choose the techniques that will work best for them. For example, if your child is more of a visual learner, you can help them learn better by providing them with visual aids and photos. 

No learning style is better than any other but being aware of your child’s preferred style will help make learning faster and more effective.

Be a role model

Children look up to their parents and if you want your little one to have the right attitude towards studying and learning, you need to model it yourself. Show your own enthusiasm for learning new things. Look for opportunities to discover new information with them. Whether it’s math, history or science, the important thing is that they should see learning as a fun, exciting and interesting part of life.

Make studying fun

A lot of kids prefer playing over studying because playing is more fun. But it’s about time we break that mindset. Who says your kids can’t have fun while learning? With the help of game-based learning, you can motivate your little one to develop a love for studying. Game-based learning means that children are engaged in the learning process by incorporating fun games. This way, they have fun while developing non-cognitive skills. This will also motivate young kids to want to learn more and discover that studying is not a boring, dull thing at all. 

Celebrate their achievements

No matter how big or small, every achievement counts. Recognize and celebrate them. This is an excellent way to motivate children to study more and do better. Avoid nagging them for their failures. Instead, use these as opportunities to encourage them to strive harder. Reward them if you think they deserve it. If they got a high score on their recent test? Take them to their favorite ice cream parlor. Use positive reinforcement as a strategy to motivate your child to study and learn.

Learning is a continuous and never-ending process. With these tips, you can help your little one develop a lifelong love for learning and keep them motivated to study more. 

Be sure to send your little one to a school that provides young kids with fun learning experiences. Please feel free to contact The Pillars Christian Learning Center for more information. 






The post How to Make a Child Interested in Studying appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

8 Tips for Parents with Picky Eaters

You know you have picky eaters when your kids turn their head away from food, push away the spoons or get cranky at meal time. But why do kids turn into picky eaters?

The picky eating behavior can either develop due to a number of reasons or for no reason at all. Sometimes it’s because of an immature digestive system, parents that reward or punish them for their eating behaviors or they are beginning to develop their own food preferences. Dealing with this common behavior in children may be frustrating, but here are several tips you can use to help you tame a picky eater. 

Do not force feed

Even if it seems as if your child has only eaten very little food, never force feed them. They might have already had enough and they will eat if they still feel hungry. When they turn their head away from the spoon or start spitting food, don’t force it anymore. They might associate eating with discomfort and might dread meal times moving forward. 

Eat together as a family

Make it a habit to share mealtimes with the whole family and do it as often as you can. Be sure to avoid media distractions while at the dining table. There shouldn’t be TV or electronics. Make use of this time to model healthy eating. If your little one doesn’t feel like eating what is served, don’t prepare another meal for them as this will only encourage the picky eating behavior. 

Don’t fight with them when they refuse to eat

Instead of forcing your little to eat when they refuse a meal, let them listen to their bodies and allow hunger to make them eat. If they had a big lunch, you can’t expect them to eat much at dinner time. Never pressure or punish them when they don’t want to do it. Let them decide for themselves or they might dislike mealtimes and food all together. 

Be creative with recipes and presentation

Making food appealing can go a long way, so don’t be afraid to get a little creative. For example, if you want to introduce fruits and vegetables to your little one, you can cut carrots and apples into fun shapes and sizes or add a few spinach leaves to their favorite smoothie. Also, try out new recipes that incorporate veggies. Who knows what you can get your child to eat healthy without them knowing! 

Be a role model for your child

Many parents do not realize it but their food choices create a tremendous impact on their children’s diet. Young kids learn about eating habits and food preferences by observing others. If your child sees you incorporating healthy food items in your home cooked meals and eating fruits and veggies frequently, they are more likely going to follow suit. So, if you haven’t been doing it, it’s about time that you start making it a norm in your household to eat nutritious food. 

Don’t bribe your kids

As much as you want your child to finish their meals, bribery isn’t the best way to make it happen. Don’t get them to eat because there’s an exciting prize waiting for them. This will only give them the impression that eating the food they are served is an unpleasant chore which may lead to a constant battle at the dining table.

Get them involved in meal preparations

To encourage them to eat healthily, it is an excellent idea to have your kids tag along during grocery shopping and cooking. When you visit the grocery, let your kids select which fruits and vegetables they want to have for lunch and dinner. Then get them involved in the kitchen as you prepare meals and try out new fun recipes. 

Start with small portions

While we want to make sure our kids are getting enough calories and nutrients they need, feeding them smaller portions is better. One of the reasons why kids refuse to eat is because they feel overwhelmed with bigger servings. Start with small tastes and gradually increase the amount of their food if they do well.

One of the biggest struggles many parents face is dealing with picky eaters. But with the help of these tips, you can get your little one to appreciate and enjoy mealtime. 

For more tips on parenting and raising kids, or if you’re looking for a school that promotes holistic growth and development, feel free to contact The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

The post 8 Tips for Parents with Picky Eaters appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

6 Effective Ways to Improve your Kids Behavior

“Raising a well-mannered and responsible child is easy”, said no parent ever. Parenting is downright difficult. But no matter how overwhelming it may be, we still strive to do our very best to raise kids who are polite, have the right behaviors and who are going to be successful in the future. Proper behavior doesn’t only make parents feel proud, but it also helps children become happier and stress-free. It helps creates a positive impact on their emotional and social wellbeing, and it shapes them into becoming a responsible and successful grown up. There’s no better time to begin improving your child’s behavior than now and you can start it with the help of these tips.

Notice good behaviors

Just like in adults, praise and compliments are music to the ears of young kids. It makes them feel good when their positive behaviors are recognized. However, this is one of the several things many parents overlook. We tend to notice the bad behaviors more than the good ones. So, instead of constantly nagging your child about being stubborn or restless, catch them being good and let them know you notice it. Tell them how you like the way they showed kindness to a friend or shared their favorite toy with their sibling. It will encourage them to continue the positive behaviors in the future.

Handle stress with patience

How do you handle stressful moments when you’re with your kids? How do you react to poor customer service at a restaurant or deal with a traffic jam on a Monday morning? Dealing with situations that test your patience in front of a child can be very tough. However, these circumstances are excellent opportunities for children to learn about being adaptable. And during the rare times when you weren’t able to hold it anymore and lose your temper, don’t be afraid to apologize and explain to your child how things should be done differently.

Spend quality time with your kids

No amount of toys, gadgets and entertainment will ever replace the time parents spend with their children. Make quality time a daily priority. Make it a habit to have one-on-one time with your little one every day. Whether it’s preparing a meal, reading a book together, playing with their toys or just watching their favorite cartoons, the important thing is that you’re investing time in your children.

Be consistent with routines

Young kids respond well to routines. That’s why parents are encouraged to establish consistent and defined routines at home. Be sure to have mealtime, playtime and bedtime scheduled at the same time every day. However, it may also help if you ask them to decide how the routines will go. For example, you can ask them which part of dressing up they want to do first – brushing their teeth or combing their hair? The important thing is that you stick to the routine every day.

Communicate with your child

A child will always misbehave at one point or another. They don’t understand the concept of right or wrong. When correcting a child’s misbehavior, be sure to use the right communication. Never punish or correct them in public. Speak to them in private as soon as you get the chance. Find out what went wrong and hear them out. Let them explain their side and explain to them, too, why their behavior wasn’t acceptable.

Keep a positive and happy environment at home

A person’s positive and happy disposition begins at home. So, make sure that you create this kind of environment at home. Keep things fun and lighthearted even when you’re stressed out. Be a role model for your kids. Increase the energy and smile often. This kind of vibe is contagious and it will help your child develop a positive outlook, too.

As a parent, you have the ability to create the greatest impact on your child’s behavior. And if your goal is to start seeing better behavior from them, these tips will definitely come in handy!

Give your little one the best early childcare they deserve and send them to a school that doesn’t just teach them the right behaviors, but shapes them into better and more responsible adults. Please feel free to visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center for more information.



The post 6 Effective Ways to Improve your Kids Behavior appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3 Kids Project to Celebrate National Crafts Month

Now is the best time to encourage your child to channel their inner artist! Get the art materials and supplies ready because this March, we are celebrating National Crafts Month! National Crafts Month was created by the Craft and Hobby Association in 1994.

This celebration of crafts is designed to encourage everyone to find joy in crafting, learn new crafts and discover or revisit a hobby. It also supports the use of all kinds of mediums. From paints, fabrics, yarns, paper – you can have your child take their pick when it comes to materials.

Celebrate National Crafts Month with these projects your little one will surely love!

Rainbow Windsock Toilet Paper Roll Craft

This Rainbow Windsock Toilet Paper Roll Craft is an adorable craft perfect for rainy days. It can turn your child’s gloomy day into something fun and exciting!

Here are the materials you’ll need:

  • blue paint
  • toilet paper roll
  • scissors
  • white paper
  • black marker
  • string
  • tissue paper in different colors
  • hole puncher

How to do it?

  1. Start by painting the toilet paper roll in blue. You can have your child do this step with your guidance.
  2. Once the roll is painted, you can set it aside until the paint dries completely.
  3. In the meantime, you can make the clouds by drawing a cloud shape and cutting it out. Let your child draw eyes and a mouth to make it more fun.
  4. Then go back to your toilet paper roll and punch two holes on either side where you can insert the string for hanging.
  5. Push the yarn through the holes and tie it up.
  6. Get your cloud and glue it on the toilet paper roll.
  7. Then, cut the colored tissue paper into long strips and glue them around the toilet paper roll.

Once done, it is ready to be hung!

Paper flower crafts

Making paper flower crafts is perfect for kids of all ages. Not only is it a fun activity but it also helps develop their fine motor skills.

These are the materials you’ll need for this craft:

  • yellow paper
  • circle paper punch
  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • green paper straws
  • stick glue
  • clear or patterned tape

How to do it?

  1. Guide your child when it comes to punching a few circles out of yellow paper using the puncher.
  2. Cut strips of colored paper but make sure to pay attention to their size in relation to the yellow circles.
  3. Then, make a paper loop by putting together the ends of the strips with glue. Depending on the flower you are making, you may need to make quite a few.
  4. Have these loops glued on the side of the paper circle until it forms a flower.
  5. The final step is to glue the green paper straw at the center of the flower and secure it with tape.

3D Rainbow Paper Craft

Making rainbow crafts is another activity your little one will surely enjoy. Because rainbows are made of different colors, this craft can be a wonderful opportunity to teach your child about colors. Here are the materials you need to make a 3D Rainbow Paper Craft.

  • Construction paper in rainbow colors
  • scissors
  • cotton balls
  • duct tape

This craft is very easy to make.

  1. Cut 7 strips of paper, one strip of each color to make a true rainbow.
  2. Then, cut out two cloud shapes using your white construction paper.
  3. Arrange the strips according to the correct color order of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, or the other way around) and glue one end on one cloud.
  4. Then, glue the other end on the second cloud.
  5. Use duct tape to secure both ends.
  6. Fold the strips of paper following the line of the duct tape so it’s easier to make an arch.
  7. Apply glue on the clouds and add cotton balls on both sides of the strips to hold the rainbow’s arched shape.

Once done with both clouds, your rainbow craft is complete!

There are plenty of fun and engaging crafts your kids can create this National Crafts Month! Feel free to explore some other crafts and use them as an exciting bonding activity with your kids!

The post 3 Kids Project to Celebrate National Crafts Month appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Friday, March 15, 2019

8 Tips to Teach your Kids to Calm Down

The ability to manage emotions isn’t something that comes easy, especially for young kids. If you’re a parent, you might have already experienced all sorts of tantrums and meltdowns. While we want to control our child’s behavior, there’s no way we can limit their emotions. We can’t stop them from being upset. This is why your child needs your help.

The lack of self-regulation in children can have lasting negative effects in their relationships. But there’s something you can do to help them create healthy and fulfilling friendships.

How to calm kids down?

Read on and learn how to calm kids down with these helpful tips.

Set a good example

Modeling your ability to regulate your own emotions is paramount to teaching how to calm kids down. Be mindful of how you react to certain situations. Be aware of your responses or coping mechanisms when confronted with frustrating circumstances. Resist your tendencies to raise your voice. Practice calming down so that your child can learn from the example you set.

Take them to their favorite spot

Does your little one have a favorite spot they go to everytime they are upset? Take them to that place if they need to calm down. It could be the park, a cozy corner in the house, the backyard or their bedroom.

Wherever it is, make sure it’s a good place suitable for finding some peace and quiet so that your child can get over their stressful moment. This way, children won’t feel that taking time to calm down is a negative thing.

Allow them to express their emotions

Young kids aren’t capable of regulating emotions. If it’s hard for adults to control how we feel, it’s even harder for them. When they are upset or angry, it’s important to understand that it is a natural part of being human. It isn’t something parents should blame them for. Instead, make your child feel safe enough to express their emotions. Allow them to cry if they feel like crying. You may also encourage them to talk about how they feel, but never force them. Focus on accepting their emotions but never punish them or dictate what they shouldn’t feel.

Take a walk

Taking a walk outside isn’t only a good way to exercise but it’s also an excellent way to help kids calm down. When your child feels upset or emotional, invite them out for a walk. This will help clear their head and steady their emotions. This is also a good bonding activity for parents and children.

Guide their behavior accordingly

Guiding the behavior of a child does not mean that parents should teach them to repress their emotions. Punishments are also strongly discouraged because it gives children the impression that feeling emotions is bad. Instead, what you can do is give your child positive guidance. Help them process their emotions and learn to handle their feelings better.

Take deep breaths

Taking slow deep breaths can help reduce anxiety and make a person calmer. Encourage your child to breathe deeply during a stressful situation. Practice it by showing your child how it’s done.

Listen to some relaxing music

Music has a way of affecting our mood. So when you need to make your child calm down, try making them listen to relaxing or happy music to lift their mood.

Give your child a comforting hug

Nothing beats the comfort and security from a warm embrace. It might sound like a very simple thing to do but many parents forget about it. There are times when you won’t need to say much. All that’s needed is a loving hug to make a child feel okay again. Don’t underestimate the power of a hug. After all, what a child needs is to know they are safe and loved.

You can’t keep your children from getting angry or upset. But you can provide them the guidance they need so they can manage their emotions better. So, the next time your child lashes out, these tips should come in handy to help them calm down.

For more tips and advice on parenting, or if you are looking for the best quality early childcare for your little one, please feel free to visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 8 Tips to Teach your Kids to Calm Down appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

5 Uncommon Ways to Stop Toddler Power Struggles

Parents endure toddler power struggles very often. Before they go to work, children throw tantrums because they don’t want their parents to leave. Other times, they fight their parents due to the food for lunch or dinner. Some instances involve fighting due to the screen time they have and their parents just set the limit. Parents feel puzzled on how to manage their toddlers, especially if they refuse to listen to their words.

Changing some ways on managing the toddlers may do you good. This includes reducing punitive reinforcement and more positive parenting. Will this be effective for your family?

How to manage toddler power struggles?

It is painful to experience these power struggles as toddlers may continue this behavior when they grow up. Some kick the walls, punch the pillows, or scream at their parents just to get what they want. Parents ask themselves, what happened? Where did they go wrong?

While most parents wonder how to curb their toddlers’ misbehavior, some come up with uncommon ways to stop toddler power struggles. Read through the following and try these out in your homes.

Put yourself in your toddler’s shoes

Most of the time, parents tell their children what to do. From telling them to brush their teeth, to taking baths, toddlers sometimes feel that parents just order them around. When they stop doing what their parents want, parents lose their patience and sometimes explode.

However, if parents look at things from their toddlers’ shoes, they will see things differently.

For example:


Mom tells her toddler to brush their teeth just after watching their favorite tv show. However, toddler refuses. Mom gets angry at the toddler for refusing to obey what she said.

On the other hand, if mom sees this from the toddler’s perspective. The toddler just wants to rest for a bit since they feel lazy right after their favorite show. They will brush their teeth after a few minutes. Mom tends to see and jump to conclusions right away before thinking how will her toddler feel.

Parents need to remember that toddlers think differently than adults do. Remember that children will not understand everything you say automatically. Before reprimanding them, try to be in their shoes and look at things from their eyes.

Offer toddlers choices

During this toddler phase, they explore their environment and start to choose what they eat or which toy they want to play with. Sometimes, parents forget their children will grow up and neglect that they can choose which activities they want to do.

But how can parents change the game that their toddlers might be playing? Follow these three (3) steps in order to successfully give toddlers choices.

  • Limit their options to two (2) choices only.
  • Reassure them that as their parent, you’ll respect their choice.
  • Choices must be approved by the parents as well.
  • Offer these choices when necessary and not all the time.

Refrain from snapping at the toddler

Do you clash with the toddlers’ power struggles? Did you listen to what the toddler was saying before snapping at them?

Just when toddlers get on your nerves, pause for a moment. Take deep breaths and think about what might happen if you snapped.

One of the best ways of stopping toddler power struggles is to give toddlers extra time so they can prepare themselves. Begin with showing the toddler how to set up the table rather than snapping at them for not doing a good performance.

Extend your patience

Did the toddler just test your patience? When parents feel annoyed at their children about their rough antics, some parents just explode. In the end, it hurts their children and when their parents see that, it hurts them too.

One of the best things to do when this happens is to avoid adding fire to the ruckus the toddler already made. If the toddler throws a tantrum, prevent yourself from throwing one too. When the toddler sees their parents throw a tantrum, they might copy it every single time.

Remember to exercise your patience and deal with your children calmly.

Don’t let the toddler be an extension of yourself

Most parents think that their toddlers are mini versions of themselves. However, that’s not the case. Children have their own identities and are not the mini versions of their parents.

They’re completely different from their parents. Sometimes, parents get annoyed when their children stop doing what they want them to do. This results in power struggles and terrible tantrums.

From one adult to another, it is painful to be treated like someone without worth. The same concept applies to children as well. Let them be their own selves and respect them as another human being.

Parents can find other ways to discipline a toddler. Some consider trying positive parenting techniques instead of punitive methods. Truth be told, it sometimes is by trial and error as every kid is different. The Pillars Christian Learning Center helps parents curb toddler power struggles through calm and peaceful methods. When you feel everything’s going nowhere, just remember to consult preschools near you.

The post 5 Uncommon Ways to Stop Toddler Power Struggles appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Monday, February 11, 2019

Top 5 Steps How to Teach Conflict Resolution for Kids

Kids often have arguments with other kids, especially when expressing their interests about tv shows or even cartoon characters. When they play with their friends, sometimes rough play can happen and it leads to fights. This happens not only in school but also at home, with siblings. They argue who gets to play with the remote controlled car or the video game console at home.

Every family differs on how they resolve conflict among children. Some take away their favorite toys or playing privileges in the afternoon. However, what are the best ways to teach conflict resolution to kids?

How can parents teach conflict resolution to kids?

Parents wonder when they should teach their children about conflict resolution. Kids get into small fights with their friends or when they have concerns with the teachers. Read through these steps and learn how to teach conflict resolution to kids.

Express the problem and understand their side

First, before parents start teaching their kids, let them calm down first. If parents begin telling their kids about conflict resolution while they still feel angry, it leads to something catastrophic. It might end up with the kid resenting their parent for doing so.

Take them out for a walk or a meal then let them calm down. When they have calmed down, start the conversation with asking how they feel about their day, how things are in school or how things led to the conflict with the other kid.

Let them share the problem themselves and don’t force it out of them or insinuate that they started everything. Tell them that honesty in this situation is vital to resolving the conflict.

When speaking to them, remember to teach them to use “I” in their statements, especially in expressing or sharing their feelings.

For example:


  • I forgot my lunch box in the cafeteria and blamed him for taking it.


  • Yesterday, I felt they were targeting me to lose the game so I ruined the board.



Extend your patience

In resolving a problem between people, remember to clear the mind first and distance the kids from one another in order to calm them down. Take them to a park or the playground for a few minutes. Others have them try counting activities, like counting from 1 to 100 or identify the different numbers in the deck of cards. Some encourage the kid to write down what they feel on a piece of paper.

When parents notice the kid calming down and breathing normally, slowly ask them about what happened without making them feel uncomfortable. Reassure them that they will figure things out when they calm down before trying to solve the conflict.

Give a proper and sincere apology

Never ruin an apology with an excuse. Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them.

A well-thought apology communicates three (3) vital elements: regret, responsibility, and remedy. Apologizing to someone seems difficult at first. However, it strengthens the relationships you have with other people.

When parents encourage their kids to think of a good apology, it may be in the form of a letter sent to the kid they fought with. It may also be a talk between them so they can express their most sincere thoughts about the conflict. Sometimes, kids do not know how to make an apology letter.

Parents, share these elements with kids when they make an apology letter:

  • Remember to tell the kid to use, “I’m sorry” in the letter or when they speak to the other kid.
  • Know the kid’s fault and let them admit how they messed things up in the first place. It could be in the form of, “I grabbed your hair and it hurt you badly.
  • Let kids express how they will fix their conflict and tell them to ask for their forgiveness.

When kids give insincere apologies, it leads to negative reactions such as:

  • Blaming the other kid for their fault
  • Not being responsible for their actions
  • Telling that the conflict was all a joke or a prank

Encourage kids to resolve the problem on their own

Parents give their children power, especially when it comes to conflict resolution. To parents, they forget to let their kids learn how to resolve problems and most of the time, they do it for their kids. This prevents kids from learning on their own and spoils them in the end.

Empower the kids by motivating them to listen to the other child and understanding what they say. Remind them not to use words that would end up hurting both of them.

Ask how the kids are doing

Check on the kids whenever you can and see if they resolved their issues or if they talked with each other already. Ask if they have started talking again or playing with each other.

However, if kids failed to resolve this conflict and refused to listen to the other kid, just find another one to play with. Remember to still be respectful and kind when speaking with each other.

Whenever kids encounter conflict with each other, parents and teachers come to the rescue. However, there are times when they need to learn to resolve conflict on their own. The Pillars Christian Learning Center continues to help parents teach conflict resolution for kids as they grow up and progress in school.

The post Top 5 Steps How to Teach Conflict Resolution for Kids appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

Friday, January 25, 2019

Top 3 Recipes to Make for National Chocolate Cake Day

Throughout the year, people celebrate a number of different holidays. Be Black Friday or Thanksgiving, people have assigned almost every single day to any holiday that they could think of. But what’s so special about chocolate to have a day for it?

Chocolate, just like wine, is fermented. This happens when farmers harvest cacao pods, clean them, free them from the white material, and dry them out. Cacao beans undergo the process of fermentation. Little by little, the papery shell gets removed and reveals the cacao nibs. Afterwards, chocolatiers grind them into a cocoa mass and separate it into solids and butter. Others then process the mass and mix in milk and sugar. Some transform it into white chocolate by just using chocolate butter, milk, and sugar. People celebrate National Chocolate Day every October 28! Remember to mark that on your calendars as it’s a very chocolatey day!

What recipes can you try for National Chocolate Day?

A lot of people wonder how to incorporate chocolate into almost anything that they eat. Now, we have these three (3) recipes that you may try in order to celebrate this very chocolatey day!

Chocolate Chip-Date French Toast


For the French toast:
  • 6 large egg yolks (save the whites for your ultra-healthy breakfast tomorrow!)
  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange zest
  • 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
  • Kosher salt
  • Unsalted butter, for frying
  • 1 small loaf challah bread, sliced 1 inch thick
  • Small handful of semisweet chocolate chips
  • 4 dates, pitted and chopped
For the syrup:
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon bourbon


  1. Make the French toast: Whisk the egg yolks, milk, vanilla, orange juice and zest, brown sugar, cinnamon, garam masala and a pinch of salt in a large glass baking dish.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F. Put a wire rack on a baking sheet and place in the oven.
  3. Set a large skillet over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon butter. While the butter melts, prick a few holes on each side of a slice of bread with a fork. Lay it in the egg mixture and, using either a fork or your hands, push the bread into the egg mixture so the bread loosens up a little and soaks up the liquid. Flip and repeat.
  4. Using a slotted spatula or tongs, pick up the bread, allowing the excess egg mixture to drip off, and lay it in the hot pan. As the first side is cooking, 2 to 3 minutes, push chocolate chips and chopped dates into the soft, uncooked side of the bread. Be assertive! Then flip and cook 2 to 3 more minutes. Remove and set on the rack in the oven to stay warm. Repeat with the remaining slices of bread, adding more butter to the pan if needed.
  5. Meanwhile, make the syrup: Combine the maple syrup and bourbon. Warm it in the microwave, if you want. (You can make the syrup the night before; store in a jar in the fridge, then warm before serving.)

Chocolate Lasagna



  1. Begin by crushing 36 Oreo cookies. I used my food processor for this, but you could also place them in a large ziplock bag and crush them with a rolling pin. When the Oreos have turned into fine crumbs, you are done.
  2. Transfer the Oreo crumbs to a large bowl. Stir in 6 tablespoons melted butter and use a fork to incorporate the butter into the cookie crumbs. When the butter is distributed, transfer the mixture to a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Press the crumbs into the bottom of the pan. Place the pan in the refrigerator while you work on the additional layers.
  3. Mix the cream cheese with a mixer until light and fluffy. Add in 2 Tablespoons of milk and sugar, then mix well. Stir in 1 and 1/4 cups Cool Whip. Spread this mixture over the crust.
  4. In a bowl, combine the chocolate instant pudding with 3 and 1/4 cups cold milk. Whisk for several minutes until the pudding starts to thicken. Use a spatula to spread the mixture over the previous cream cheese layer. Allow the dessert to rest for about 5 minutes so that the pudding can firm up further.
  5. Spread the remaining Cool Whip over the top. Sprinkle mini chocolate chips evenly over the top. Place in the freezer for 1 hour, or the refrigerator for 4 hours before serving.

No Bake Chocolate Oat Bars


  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 cups quick cooking oats
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter


  • Prep: 30 m
  • Ready in: 3 h 30 m
  1. Grease a 9×9 inch square pan.
  2. Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar and vanilla. Mix in the oats. Cook over low heat 2 to 3 minutes, or until ingredients are well blended. Press half of mixture into the bottom of the prepared pan. Reserve the other half for topping.
  3. Meanwhile, melt chocolate chips and peanut butter in a small heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently until smooth. Pour the chocolate mixture over the crust in the pan, and spread evenly with a knife or the back of a spoon.
  4. Crumble the remaining oat mixture over the chocolate layer, pressing in gently. Cover, and refrigerate 2 to 3 hours or overnight. Bring to room temperature before cutting into bars.

Hopefully, this makes your National Chocolate Day more sumptuous!

The post Top 3 Recipes to Make for National Chocolate Cake Day appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center

How to Deal with Child Separation Anxiety at Drop Off

When children go to school, they feel anxious, especially if they see their parents drive off to work. Parents deal with child anxiety separation in different ways, but is it effective? Some children continue crying even after they arrive inside their classroom. Parents wonder how to calm their children.

The feeling of being dropped off scares children as they enter an unfamiliar place. It takes a while before they get comfortable with their surroundings. Teachers help parents ease children and manage their separation anxiety.

How to deal with child separation anxiety?

Parents send their children to school and drive to work. Children feel scared that they may not see their parents and start crying. They get emotional, especially if they don’t get their goodbye hugs, kisses, or words of encouragement. The Pillars Christian Learning Center helps parents manage their child’s separation anxiety.

Share encouraging stories about school

One of the primary things that parents need to do to manage their child’s separation anxiety is to share good stories about their own experience with school. However, challenges never go away and parents might mention bad experiences. Focus on the positive experiences and things you learned in school. This lets children know that you were once in their position and it is normal.

Remember to avoid using or starting a conversation with these sentences:

  • Refrain saying, “Yay! Classes tomorrow got suspended!” or, “We need to get you to school despite this weather!”
  • Avoid taking their toys away just because they won’t stop crying or fussing.
  • Even if they successfully tied their shoelaces, do not give them treats just because they did it well.

Words are very powerful tools and when parents share the right stories, it makes them think positively about school. This helps them think brightly about school and look forward to attending class.

Leave a bracelet or comforting piece to the child

During their parents’ younger days, they brought their favorite stuffed toy or blanket to school. They do this to feel secure about going to an unfamiliar place. For their children, it may be their parents’ bracelet, hair tie, or even handkerchief. Anything they can hold works fine!

When children hold onto it, they can cope with their fears. This makes them relax and calm down just in time for school. This reassures them that they will see their parents at the end of school.

Strive to arrive earlier than the other children

Arriving earlier than most children reduces their anxiety as they settle in before the other kids. This gives them a chance to talk to their teacher and open up about things that bother them. Then, children can share their favorite things about school or their favorite activities. Talking helps them release tension and calm down.

When they arrive earlier, it helps them relax and prepare for the day.

Guide them through school

School gives children different tasks that confuse them at times. Children tell their parents that they get confused with these activities and need assistance. Parents can walk them through the activities and guide them along the way. Some parents walk their kids through the hallway.

Remember to hold their hands while walking along the school hallway. Pause for a moment when you reach their classroom. Give them a good luck hug or kiss, or just a simple reassurance that you will fetch them after school.

Always give children goodbye hug or kiss

A goodbye kiss or hug always comforts children and helps them calm down. Parents, never leave your children at school without giving them any hug or kiss. That just strengthens their separation anxiety. Your actions help them feel loved and secure that you’ll come back to fetch them after school.

These actions calm them down. It reassures children about going through the day and making friends along the way.

Dropping off children at school gives parents challenges and things can get emotional. Parents deal with their child separation anxiety in different ways. The Pillars Christian Learning Center continues to help children and parents manage their fears and survive preschool.

The post How to Deal with Child Separation Anxiety at Drop Off appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center