Tuesday, November 10, 2020

5 Simple Ways for Raising Grateful Kids

There’s no such thing as a perfect life. Bad days happen to all of us and they’re inevitable. But at the end of the day, it’s all a matter of perspective and having an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is often associated with contentment. It’s about expressing appreciation for the things we do have, no matter how few they may be. Being grateful helps shift our focus to the positive instead of negative things. This is why it’s important to think about raising grateful kids.

Instilling a grateful attitude in our kids can benefit them in several different ways. Learning to be grateful helps our children create and strengthen relationships with the people in their lives. It also helps them build resilience in difficult times and live a happier and more satisfied life. 

We may be living in a world that is dominated by technology, in which so many things have become more convenient and accessible. But there are still things we can do to teach our little ones on how to be grateful. Read on to learn some tips about how you can raise grateful kids!

Set a positive example

Parents who are grateful raise children who are grateful. It all begins by leading by example. Our little ones learn a lot from observing our words, actions and behavior. One of the ways you can raise grateful kids is by setting a positive example for them to observe and mirror in their own lives.

Show your kids what it means to be grateful through your actions and words. Even if it’s something as simple as thanking the waitress who served your food at the restaurant, or someone who held the door for you while exiting the grocery store – let your children see how gratitude is practiced. Don’t forget to thank your kids, too, for exhibiting positive behaviors. Recognize them for the things they do, like making their beds, putting away their toys, or being kind to a stranger.

Teach them about generosity

Part of teaching kids about being grateful is teaching them how to be generous. Raising grateful kids means teaching them how to appreciate the things they have, while acknowledging the good and the bad. Because it’s important to help them understand that not everyone is as lucky or as unfortunate as we are, we need to encourage kids to be kind and generous to others. What may seem like a small or meaningless gesture to them may mean so much to someone else. The moment children realize this,, they’ll be more appreciative of the things they do have than the things they don’t.

Talk to them about empathy

Empathy isn’t something that kids are naturally born with. It’s something that parents need to teach and nurture, because young children especially tend to have trouble understanding and managing their emotions. Starting now, you can instill in your little one the value of empathy. Teach children to think about their words and actions may make other people feel. For example, ask them how they think a friend would feel if they thanked them for doing them something nice. By being considerate of others’ feelings, it becomes easier for them to comprehend the importance of gratitude.

Find creative ways to express gratitude

Expressing gratitude can be done in many different ways. Besides saying the words “thank you”, explore with them other creative ways to show appreciation for others. They can write a thank you note, for instance, whip up some baked goodies, or even share half of their sandwich with a friend who helped them.

Make expressing gratitude part of their routine

Finding things to be grateful for is a habit that we can help our kids develop. One of the things you can do is ask them at least three things they’re thankful for when tucking them into bed at night. Even if some things didn’t go the way they wanted that day, or if they’ve had a bad day, help them end the day by focusing on the positive things.

It’s also a good habit for all of us to start each day being thankful. Help children recognize that each day of their lives is an opportunity to express gratitude. Remind them about the importance of appreciating another day and another chance to embrace life. 

Being grateful is one of the things we need to teach our kids about, and for good reasons. Follow these tips for raising grateful kids so you can help them to grow up to become happy and well-adjusted adults. 

For more parenting tips, or if you’re looking for the best preschool for your child, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center


The post 5 Simple Ways for Raising Grateful Kids appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/3lj1V1d

Saturday, October 24, 2020

How to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

The importance of proper nutrition for both children and adults cannot be overstated. Your kids need proper vitamins and nutrients in order to be healthy and grow strong, both physically and mentally. That’s why establishing healthy eating habits in your home early on is so important. The problem is that ensuring that our children eat healthy foods can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, especially if your kids prefer sweets, fast food, and other types of junk food. Even though teaching our little ones the importance of eating well can be hard, there are ways that you can introduce healthy eating habits in your home as early as now. Here are some tips you might find helpful.

Eat meals together as a family

One of the best ways to encourage healthy eating habits at home is to eat and enjoy your meals together as a family. Eating together doesn’t only allow you to  monitor your child’s eating habits more closely. When you eat together as a family, it gives you an opportunity to model a balanced and healthy diet.

Make it a point to eat meals together as a family at least once a day, if possible. If this isn’t feasible during breakfast or lunch, try to make sure everybody can eat dinner together. Additionally, try to make family meal time  enjoyable and pleasant. When your family sits down for dinner together, this shouldn’t be a time for scolding or preaching. In addition to being a great venue for teaching your kids about the importance of healthy eating, it’s also a great opportunity for family bonding time. 

Get your kids involved in food shopping and preparation

Going grocery shopping together is another exciting way you can teach your child the value of proper nutrition. On your next trip to the grocery store, consider taking your little ones with you. Show them how to make healthy food choices. Allow your kids  to pick out their own healthy food items. Bring them to the produce section and let them grab some of their favorite fruits and vegetables. They are more likely to eat foods they selected personally.

It’s also a great idea to let your kids get involved in cooking and meal preparation at home. Invite them to lend a hand in the kitchen. Assign them small and simple tasks as you whip up healthy meals for dinner. This will provide you with another excellent opportunity to squeeze in some valuable lessons about nutrition.

Encourage healthy snacking

It’s perfectly fine to let your little one enjoy snacks, but make sure it doesn’t lead to overeating. Plan  and be strategic regarding which hours you let kids eat their snacks. Make sure snacktime doesn’t fall too close to lunch or dinner, or it may cause them to lose their appetites. At the same time, be sure to only give kids something healthy to munch on. Enjoying  their favorite less healthy treats is okay occasionally. Just be sure they eat those in moderation. 

Encourage more water intake

Part of a healthy diet includes drinking enough water. When a person drinks an adequate amount of water on a daily basis, the nutrients in the body are transported and absorbed properly. Encourage your little one to drink more water and reduce intake of sugary drinks like soda and juice. Fresh fruit juices contain vitamins, but nothing beats the benefits that come from regular water intake.

Avoid using food to reward or punish your kids

Using food to reward or punish kids isn’t recommended. When you lure them to finish their schoolwork or make their beds in exchange for their favorite treats, it can lead them to believe that less healthy foods are better than healthier foods. Similarly, food also should not be withheld as a way of punishing a child. This can foster a fear and insecurity that they will get hungry or might not be getting enough food. 

Model healthy eating habits

There’s no better way to teach children about healthy eating than by setting an example for them. If you discourage your child from drinking soda or eating too many sweets, make sure he or she doesn’t see you  chugging a can of Coke. If you want your child to eat more greens during dinner, make sure they see you do the same.

Parents may encounter challenges with children at the dinner table when it comes to eating a healthy diet. But with these helpful tips, you can encourage healthy eating habits in your little one and influence them to make better and healthier food choices!

For more parenting tips and resources, or if you’re looking for the best child care center for your child, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post How to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/35sgngt

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Starting Preschool: 5 Tips to Help Your Child with the Transition

Young kids benefit tremendously from attending a quality preschool program. When little ones spend their days in preschool, they have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of academics, develop their social and emotional skills, learn about the importance of routine and structure, and several other aspects of life at school. But how does your child feel about starting preschool? Does the thought of going to school make them feel giddy and excited? Or does the separation make them feel anxious?

While it is perfectly natural for both parents and children to feel a mix of emotions at the thought of beginning preschool, there’s no reason to be worried. Preschool’s sole purpose is to nurture your growing child. If your child is starting preschool this year, there’s no need to fret. Here’s a list of some things you can do to help make the transition smoother for your little one.

Visit the preschool

Incoming families are usually given the opportunity by most preschools to attend an orientation or visit. This is a great chance for you and your child to learn more about the preschool he or she will attend.  Carve out some time to visit your child’s preschool before his or her first day  so you can both get an idea of what a typical day looks like and the activities your child will experience at this new setting. An orientation visit will also give you the chance to observe the kind of learning environment the school offers,  the classroom setting, the outdoor facilities and of course, meet the teachers and other school staff. If you can, take some photos for your little one to see.

Teach essential life skills at home

At home, we may do almost everything for our children. Even if we want our children to learn how to be self-sufficient, we know deep down that we’ll still be there for them in every way we can. The good news is that preschool is actually the perfect place for your child to practice independence and self-sufficiency. Because you won’t be there in the classroom, preschoolers need to learn to do certain things for themselves. Help your little one get ready for the first day by teaching him or her some basic and essential life skills at home.

Simple things such as unzipping their coats or taking off their shoes are the kinds of things that most young kids should be able to manage to do on their own by preschool age. Be sure to practice these skills with them before preschool starts.

Establish routines

Predictability helps young kids feel safer and more secure. This is why they thrive on well-established routines.In a quality preschool, your little one’s day will emphasize learning how to follow a routine in a structured environment. To help your little one with this transition, you can establish routines at home. Start by creating and sticking to morning and bedtime routines. Set a specific time for waking up in the morning, having breakfast, and getting dressed. At night, try to adhere to a consistent bedtime routine too, which should include things like brushing their teeth, changing into pajamas, and reading a bedtime story.

Arrange playdates

Because one of the goals of preschool is helping your child’s developing social skills as they interact with peers, it is helpful to arrange playdates for your little one before starting preschool. Give your child the chance to learn how to play with other kids, share their toys, express themselves, and make friends. Learning that these are some of the things they’ll also get to do at preschool will make them look forward to it.

Allow your child to play at the preschool

Besides attending orientation visits, it can also be helpful for your little one to play at the preschool, if your preschool offers that option. It can also help with the transition to a new setting.  If you have the opportunity, bring your child along on a tour of the school so he or she can see the new setting where all of the new, fun, and exciting things will be happening soon. Let your child try out the playground as another way of getting a better feel for the new environment. The more familiar your child feels with this new place, the easier it will be for him or her to become comfortable and more confident at their new school.

Starting preschool can be a very exciting time for families with young kids. Get your little one geared up for this new adventure and wonderful journey with the help of these tips!If you’re looking for the best preschool for your little one, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

The post Starting Preschool: 5 Tips to Help Your Child with the Transition appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/32Vzik0

Monday, September 7, 2020

6 Ways to Encourage Good Reading Habits in Children

Between the pages of a book, we can travel from one place to another, explore a different world, live a different life, or be a different person or character, even if it’s for just a quick moment. Reading is a wonderful way to escape reality. And for young kids, reading is more than just a source of entertainment; it can benefit them in several different ways.

Reading is essential for a child’s learning and development. Establishing positive reading habits can help children succeed in school and beyond. Reading can help kids improve their concentration and memory, nurture creativity and imagination, and it serves as an excellent exercise for the brain. These, and more, are some of the reasons why parents should encourage their kids to read. Here are some tips on how you can encourage your children to make reading part of their day.

Make reading a personal habit

Good reading habits start with parents. Even before your little one is born, children benefit from being read to. .Read out loud both before your child is born and after you bring him or her home. The sound of a mother’s voice creates a soothing rhythm to a child’s ears. 

Set a good example

It doesn’t matter whether you’re into magazines, newspapers, or books it would further encourage reading if your little one observes that you’re into reading, too. Set a good example and your child will follow suit. Be a role model and your child will see how important and enjoyable reading can be.

For instance, instead of spending hours bingeing your favorite TV show or watching movies, why not spend more time binging on your favorite reads? An even better idea is to invite your little one to join you with his or her own book so you can read together. 

Create a reading nook

If possible, carve out a spot in your home that can be used as a cozy reading area where your child can enjoy some quiet time and become engrossed in reading something that piques his or her interest. A reading “nook” doesn’t have to take up a lot of space or even have a lot of bookshelves. It can be a little quiet space that you fill with a few books and other fun and interesting reading materials. For example, you can place a couch or a cozy chair in a corner of your home with adequate lighting so your child can focus and enjoy reading with comfort. 

Take trips to the bookstore or library

People who love reading find the library or bookstores to be heaven. Foster in your child the same penchant for reading by taking them to the nearest library or bookshop. These places are a vast resource for many kinds of reading materials that are appropriate for various age groups.

In addition, be sure to allow your child to make their own choices when it comes to choosing something to read, whether it’s a book, comic, novel or a magazine. Children are more likely to start and finish reading something they picked out by themselves than the ones others pick out for them. Be sure to bring your kids  to the right section where they can find reading materials geared toward their age group and reading level.

Fill your house with interesting reading materials

Young kids who are surrounded by a vast array of reading materials are more likely to grow up to be lifelong readers. Encourage good reading habits in your child by surrounding your home with a wide array of interesting reads that they can easily comprehend. Make it a point to have a book or magazine within reach in your living room, in their bedroom, or even in your car. 

Make reading part of your kids’ bedtime routine

Like they say, “Start them young.” Help your little one fall in love with reading during the early years by incorporating reading into his or her bedtime routine. Have your child pick out a book, even if it’s the same one over and over again. This helps them learn to associate the habit of reading with unwinding and relaxation. 

Reading can benefit young kids in several different ways. Encourage good reading habits in your kids early on by following these tips.

For more parenting resources, or if you’re looking for the best childcare center for your little one, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 6 Ways to Encourage Good Reading Habits in Children appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/326PTRb

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Importance of Playful Parenting

Being playful is an innate and natural part of childhood. Kids of all ages tend to be eager to inject fun and play in almost everything they do.Because fun and laughter are important ingredients of a happy and harmonious family relationship, parents need to remember the importance of playful parenting.

“Playful parenting” is a style of parenting that incorporates intentional and connected playtime  between children and parents. Engaging in shared play not only promotes a fun environment at home; it can also cultivate a stronger bond and a deeper connection between parents and their children. 

While it’s important that children are allowed to play independently, it’s also imperative that parents create time for playful parenting in the routine. Read on to learn more about how incorporating playful parenting can benefit the relationship between you and your child at home.

Play fosters connection and reconnection

What better way is there to strengthen the bond between a parent and a child than by seeing the world through your child’s eyes? Playful parenting makes it easier for parents to both learn from and engage with their kids. It can also help parents form a stronger bond and connect with their kids on a deeper level as it lays a solid foundation for a loving parent-child relationship. 

Whether it’s playing a video game together or engaging in pretend play, be sure to allocate adequate time for play with your little one! These precious moments and memories will stay with your child for a lifetime. 

Play helps children become kind adults

Children who receive adequate attention and feel that they are loved are less likely to exhibit behavioral issues. One excellent way to remind young children that they are loved is by joining them during their playtime instead of merely supervising them from the sidelines. The moments you spend playing with your little one also provides opportunities for instilling in them valuable life lessons. 

For example, when you engage in pretend play with your child, you can make the most of this time to talk about kindness, respect and honesty by incorporating real-life scenarios.

Play helps children develop social skills

Independent play is important, but kids also need to learn how to interact with others as they cultivate  their social skills. This is one of the reasons why we send them to childcare centers and set up playdates with peers. When your child is not among peers, you can also be your child’s playmate. This is an excellent way to continue to boost their communication and social skills through interactions and conversations.

Play helps lighten the atmosphere

Families who make time for play tend to be happier. Play can help to create an atmosphere of joy and levity  at home. Play time with your children can also help to lighten the mood during tough situations and make the environment at home a happier one. 

Play makes children feel wanted

Spending time playing with our kids is one way to communicate that they are wanted. It’s a way of telling them that we love spending time together and being with them. Making time to engage in play with young children can also help boost their confidence because they know that they are secure in their parents’ love. They are more likely to believe in themselves and know they can take on life’s challenges because no matter what. their parents have their backs.

Play helps boost cognitive skills

Playful parenting can turn learning and education into fun and enriching activities. You can use educational toys to teach kids about the alphabet or numbers. When you participate while your little one plays with legos, musical instruments, or puzzles, you can be your child’s guide as they discover how these things work as you help to further spark their logical thinking, imagination and other cognitive abilities.

Play helps boost a child’s confidence and self-esteem

Like adults, young children also tend to doubt themselves and their own capabilities at times. With the help of playful parenting, you can help boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem, thereby helping kids overcome these types of challenges. Engaging in play with your little one is a fun way to boost their sense of self-esteem, especially when you allow them to “win” during a game occasionally.. The thought of winning a game that’s extra challenging because they played it with an adult can be a huge confidence-booster.

Being a parent means having to “wear different hats” every day as we manage both career and family needs. But this shouldn’t excuse us from making time for things that matter most – quality time with our kids. Make sure your little one feels loved and cared for by making time for playful parenting in your home.

For more helpful resources and tips for parenting, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center


The post Importance of Playful Parenting appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/3iLdI6T

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Personal Hygiene for Kids: 6 Habits to Keep Your Child Safe and Healthy

We live in a world where there is an apparent increase in infectious diseases. Diseases are evolving and are certainly not decreasing in number. This is why keeping one’s hands and body clean has become more important now than ever.

Personal hygiene is vital to avoid the spread of infections and viruses. And as parents, we play a vital role in instilling in our kids the value of personal hygiene. It’s something that should be taught early in life and be made part of their daily routine. 

Be sure to keep your little one safe and healthy by following these guidelines on personal hygiene for kids!

Proper hand washing

Proper hand washing is, no doubt, one of the best and easiest defenses against disease-causing germs and viruses. And it’s safe and effective for both children and adults alike. 

Teach your little one to wash their hands thoroughly by showing them how it’s done. Show them the step by step process from rinsing their hands with water, to washing them with soap, and then rinsing them clean.

Make sure they spend adequate time scrubbing dirt off their hands with soap by getting them to sing the “happy birthday” song twice. (Another song will do. The trick here is to help them figure out how long 30-45 seconds really is.) Then have them rinse afterward.

Make sure handwashing is practiced before and after meals, after they’re done playing outside, after using the bathroom, touching an animal, or as soon as they come in from outside. 

Oral hygiene

Most children have an obsession with sweets and this is why they need to learn how to properly care for their teeth and mouth. Otherwise, they might end up developing not only cavities but also bad breath, gum problems, and other oral health diseases. 

Even if their milk teeth are eventually going to fall out, establishing good oral habits is essential early on. Plus, certain types of oral health problems may persist independently of their tooth development.

Make sure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day. Teach them to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste if they are over 2 years old. Guide them and show them how it’s done to make sure all the surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Don’t forget to have them brush their tongue, too.

Adequate sleep

The importance of adequate sleep for young kids cannot be overemphasized. During sleep, the body regenerates cells and restores its energy for the next day. For children, good quality sleep doesn’t only play an important role in their physical growth and development. It is also vital in their learning, memory and improved attention span. 

Make sure your child regularly gets a good night’s sleep by establishing a good bedtime routine. Limit their screen time during the hour before bedtime. Read them bedtime stories and create a relaxing and comfortable environment for sleeping. 

Food hygiene

Unhealthy food habits can result in conditions such as stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting. While you practice hygiene and sanitation when it comes to food preparation, serving and feeding, it’s equally important that your child also practices personal hygiene. Besides washing their hands thoroughly before meals, make sure they use designated serving spoons to avoid contaminating the food. Also, avoid coughing or sneezing on the food and turn away if they feel like they’re about to cough or sneeze. 

Proper storage is also an important part of food hygiene. Have the leftovers properly segregated and stored in the refrigerator. Keep the containers covered to avoid contracting bacteria. 


Proper hair care is another important aspect of personal hygiene that kids need to learn while they’re young. This will help minimize the risk of problems such as lice and dandruff. When it comes to hair care, children should be taught to wash their hair at least twice a week with water and shampoo. Be sure to use shampoo appropriate for their age to avoid irritation on the scalp and eyes. If there are existing hair problems, be sure to have those treated. 


Whether or not they love bathing, children should understand and embrace the importance of bathing regularly as it helps keep them clean. Have them take a bath daily, either before going to school or when they come home. Teach them how to scrub and wash their body thoroughly and rinse afterward. 

If there’s one thing all parents want to be sure of, it is to ensure that their kids are safe and healthy all the time. Make sure your little one stays healthy and sickness-free by following these guidelines on personal hygiene for kids. 

If you’re looking for more parenting tips or searching for the best preschool for your little one, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center


The post Personal Hygiene for Kids: 6 Habits to Keep Your Child Safe and Healthy appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/2WiakHC

Thursday, June 11, 2020

5 Activities that Nurture Parent and Child Relationship

It’s true what they say that becoming a parent is life-changing. As soon as you have that tiny little baby in your arms, things aren’t the same anymore and your whole life is geared toward an entirely new direction. It is no longer just about yourself nor about you and your spouse. You now have another being to take care of, nurture, raise, and build a loving relationship with. 

When it comes to parenting, we all share one goal and that is to raise happy and healthy children. This is where the value of the parent and child relationship comes in.

Your relationship with your child plays a significant role in their development as well as their traits, behaviors and values – things that help set them on the path to future success.

So, what do you do to strengthen your parent and child relationship? Take a look at some of the activities you may want to try.

Read bedtime stories together

Reading bedtime stories to kids doesn’t always have to be something that only parents do. You can do the reading together with your child. Encourage their participation rather than doing the reading all by yourself. Make it more exciting and interactive by asking them questions in the middle of the story. It can be a followup question to review the names of characters or it can be questions about what they think will happen next. Or you can also mimic the sounds of animals mentioned in the story or do a bit of roleplay to make the activity more fun and interactive.

Take them out to eat

If there’s one thing that binds people closer, it’s food! And it’s true for families, too. So, carve out some time to bond over good food with your little one. Take them to a restaurant or pizza parlor or ice cream shop of their choice. Also consider taking them to the park or nearby beach for a picnic so you both can enjoy the outdoors and fresh air. And if they’re also into fine dining, it would be fun to dress up fancy to make them feel as if you’re going out on a real date!

Join them in their playtime

There’s certainly nothing wrong with going back to being a child and joining your little one in their playtime. Whether it’s toy blocks, dolls, toy cars, or video games. It would be a great idea to try having game time with your kids, too! Maybe schedule a game night on Friday or Saturday nights and play a different game each time. You can also draw lots to see who gets the chance to pick the game for the night!

Cook a meal together

Another exciting activity for strengthening your parent-child relationship is cooking a meal together. So, get messy in the kitchen! Look for easy recipes you can create with your little one. There’s plenty that you can follow online or YouTube. Check for recipes that do not use a lot of ingredients and that involve simple steps and processes. 

If they’re into pizza, then go ahead and let them do the making of the dough and have them choose the toppings according to their liking. You can also make baked goodies such as cookies, or mini cupcakes. Not only is this an excellent way to bond and connect with each other. It also offers opportunities to learn some skills they could use through adulthood.

Creating arts and crafts

Because children love to get messy and play with anything they lay their hands on, making arts and crafts is a perfect activity for them. Perhaps even more so if you join them. Try to look around the house and find objects to recycle or convert into masterpieces. Use empty plastic bottles, paper cups or old newspapers. Let their imagination run wild and create something out of these materials. Create your own work of art, too, and put your finished products on display afterwards. 

The importance of spending quality time with your children cannot be overemphasized. Build memories with your little one they will forever cherish and nurture your parent-child relationship with the help of these activities!

For more helpful parenting tips or if you’re looking for the best quality preschool for your little one, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 5 Activities that Nurture Parent and Child Relationship appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/2YnWYdg

Thursday, May 28, 2020

6 Exciting Summer Camp Activities You Can Recreate at Home

Kids have various ways of spending their summer breaks. Some prefer to spend most of their free time playing with playmates and having fun. Some make the most of their time to learn new skills. While some others head off to enroll in summer camp programs. And why not? Summer camps are a perfect venue for having fun while acquiring new skills and learning lifelong lessons.

But what happens if there are no summer camps? Or your little one just won’t be able to join? It’s kinda sad but don’t worry! There are actually cool ideas you can try to recreate summer camp activities in your own home!

Have a campout night

One of things that completes the whole summer camp experience is sleeping in a tent, under the stars. If you have adequate space in your backyard for some stargazing and camping out, you can put up a tent for the whole family to sleep in. And don’t forget the best part of the night – S’mores!

But who says that camping out can only be done outdoors? You can also have a campout night indoors by putting up a makeshift indoor tent. All that’s needed is a little creativity! Create a starry sky by hanging glow-in-the-dark stars or sticking them to the ceiling. Turn off the lights and play some nature music in the background to make it feel more outdoorsy.

Play field games

Summer camps are extra fun because of outdoor games! Be sure not to miss fun field games like tug of war or scavenger hunt. Not only are these games fun and exciting but they also unleash your competitive spirit! So get geared up and be sure to get every family member participating for fun afternoon games over the weekend!

Host a talent show

Talent shows are also one of the most exciting parts of a summer camp program. When recreating summer camp at home, you may want to try hosting a talent show where every member in the family gets to showcase their talents and skills. To make it extra fun, try to inject a little creativity. 

For instance, instead of giving each one the liberty to choose their performance, you will have to randomly pick from a given set of tasks. Now, it will all be up to every member how they will make the performance outstanding to win the game!

Cook a favorite camp meal

Is there one specific meal or dish that reminds your child of fond memories of summer camp? Now’s the best time to recreate it in your own kitchen. Or even add your own little twist to it. 

If you’re not familiar with the dish, do a bit of research before gathering the ingredients. Invite your little one to get involved in the preparation to teach them a thing or two about cooking, too. Not only is this an excellent way to replicate a fun summer experience. It’s also a good way to bond with your kid!

Create arts and crafts

Does your little one exhibit an interest in creating arts and crafts? Summer vacations are the best time to encourage them to channel their inner artist! Gather recycled objects and art materials and let your child transform them into a masterpiece. You may give them ideas on what they can create out of what they have or you can also let them create an artwork from scratch. Let their imagination run wild! Just be sure they’re working with kid-friendly materials and they don’t end up hurting themselves in the process.

Be a young scientist

Young kids are naturally curious. They ask a lot of questions and are always interested to learn about the things around them. Turn their curiosity into a learning opportunity by incorporating science experiments into your summer camp activities at home.

The internet is a vast resource of kid-friendly, age-appropriate science experiments you can replicate at home. Some experiments you may try include topics about the water and life cycles, the phases of matter and a lot more. 

Summer camps provide kids with great learning experiences which help them acquire new knowledge and skills. Be sure your child still gets to have fun while learning during school closures, with or without actual summer camps, by trying out these ideas!

For more tips on family and parenting, or if you’re looking for the best childcare center for your child, please feel free to visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 6 Exciting Summer Camp Activities You Can Recreate at Home appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/2TM31Xg

Monday, May 11, 2020

5 Tips for Helping Kids Deal with Missed School Activities

The coronavirus pandemic has forced schools from all levels to close. For these children, the abrupt closure left them with feelings of frustration, sadness, and disappointment. Many are missing out on so many major rites of passage such as graduation ceremonies or the prom. Other kids are missing out on their regular school activities like art classes, band practice, sports, or any of their favorite after-school clubs and organizations. Basically, they just miss life with their friends.

While everyone initially thought this was just a relatively temporary situation, it seems that school may be out for a while. In many cases, possibly until the end of this year. There is no vaccine yet and keeping everyone safe is the main priority at this point. This can be daunting and overwhelming for everyone. Having kids around at home 24/7 can definitely turn a peaceful life into chaos. Children may feel a bit sad and disappointed that school activities were canceled. 

Supporting them during this period is highly important, especially since there are so many uncertainties surrounding when these activities will resume. Here are some tips for how you can help your kids deal with this situation:

Talk to kids about the coronavirus

Every parent needs to educate their kids about the effects of the coronavirus and why schools need to be closed. Talk to them about why self-isolation and social distancing is critical at this moment. Make them be aware of the implications of this virus and why this needs to be taken seriously, without arousing panic.

Your kids may get incorrect and alarming information about COVID-19 from their friends or online sources. Parents need to explain the facts, in age-appropriate language, about the virus and its health implications. Give them the assurance that you are doing the best that you can to ensure that they are safe and healthy, without overwhelming them with information. 

Your kids are scared and anxious about this unseen virus that has been affecting everyone, so regular check-ins are a must. Hold meetings with your kids to discuss their concerns and fears, as well how to incorporate safety health practices at home.

Monitor their screen time

Since there are no schools or school activities to worry about, kids will be likely spending more time now watching television or browsing through various social media channels. It is important that you monitor these activities. Set a limit to their screen time and avoid listening or watching any upsetting or fake news with your kids around. They will definitely pick up these ideas and it could just aggravate the stress they are feeling at the moment. Remind them that not all stories they may read or hear regarding COVID-19 are all true and most are based on rumors and falsified information.

Emphasize the importance of social distancing

Eventually, there will come a time when your child will complain why it’s unfair that they can’t go to school or see and hang out with their friends. They will start to feel hurt that they can’t have school graduation or why their birthday party has to be postponed.

When these happen, validate their feelings and acknowledge their frustrations. However, make sure that you emphasize that closing schools and postponing school activities are the right thing to do right now. Educate them on the importance of social distancing and explain how taking time off from regular activities is ideal for everyone. Let them understand that all of these are for health and safety, not just for them but for the whole community.

Praise them for doing their part

As you educate your kids about the virus and its implications, point out to them how proud you are that they are staying home. While they may complain or eventually start to get bored just being at home, acknowledge that you are all doing this together as a family. Everyone is doing their part to help stop the spread of the virus. And they are making a big contribution to the community. Make it clear to them that everyone’s patience and hard work will help bring this crisis to an end sooner.

Create a new normal

Your kids will feel bad about school closures, but it is imperative that they move forward and accept this fact with optimism. To help them move forward, you need to create a “new normal” at home for the next few weeks. Sit down with them and explain the new structure that needs to be followed for their home-based days. You can ask your kids to help contribute to the activities they want to do in a day. This could be setting household chores, meal times, various fun activities in the afternoon, or schoolwork and reading time. Whatever that structure is, make sure there is consistency throughout the days or weeks you will be at home.

Keeping your family safe is important at this point in our lives. Without activities, many children (or even adults) will feel a bit lost and disoriented about how to maximize their time. Be with your kids during this time. Work together and have fun together.

For more information on how to help your kids deal with canceled school activities, check out The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 5 Tips for Helping Kids Deal with Missed School Activities appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/3bjJDa9

Friday, April 24, 2020

Online Learning Tips: Helping Your Child Adjust to Remote Learning

In education, there has long been a slow shift underway toward online instruction. That has accelerated recently, both taxing school systems and forcing major adjustments for all involved.

As you and your children adjust to this new set up, it’s important for parents to help their kids establish healthy routines so they can stay focused on learning. Help your kids cope with the transition to remote learning with these online learning tips.

Create a schedule

Young kids are easier to manage if they are guided with well-established routines. Instead of giving them a free hand on how to go about their day and attend to online education any time they please, it would be best to create a schedule for them to follow if there isn’t one yet.

Wake up time should be set so they get up in the morning just as they would if they had to travel to a school. Have them take a shower and eat their breakfast. 

Schoolwork, including homework, should be scheduled the same time every day. Make sure they finish their online education first before playtime and other stuff.

Impose digital quarantine

For most kids, being at home and out of a traditional school setting means more time for gadgets and electronic devices. It means more time to watch TV, play video games and log on to the internet.

This is where more stringent screen time rules come in. Children must be made to understand that because they are at home does not mean that it’s going to be all playtime.

Make sure that electronic devices, except for their dedicated laptop, are kept away from them until they’re done with schoolwork.  There shouldn’t be any distractions when it’s time for online learning so that it receives their undivided attention.

Create a space conducive to learning 

In schools, classrooms are designed to make learning conducive for children. To make sure your little one makes the most of their online education, it’s best if they are able to work in a comfortable and quiet spot in your home that is free from distractions. 

Find a room, or even just a nice corner, that you can convert into a learning nook. Set up a table and a cozy chair. Decorate it with posters. Put their books in there as well as other learning materials. 

Treat online school like a “real” school

Make sure your little one takes homeschooling seriously by treating it like a real school. They should tackle their homework and make sure it’s done before they’re allowed to play. They should attend classes daily and work on getting perfect attendance.

Do close monitoring

Because this homeschooling setup is something new to your child, it’s important that you check their engagement with the lessons and confirm that learning takes place.

Are they absorbing the lessons or are they zoning out? Take time to monitor their progress by observing them as they take their online classes. Are they having any technical difficulty or is everything going okay? You can also ask them questions by the end of each lesson to check learning.

Get them to take breaks

Just like we need to take time to step away from work to keep our sanity, kids need to take breaks from studying, too. This is true even if they’re only doing it at home.

Not only is it important to give them time to have snacks and rest their tired eyes and brains. It’s also important to let them take a quick break from screens.

In a regular classroom setting they’d get break time so this should be no different.

Set up virtual playdates

Who says your child can’t stay connected with their friends? Leverage the internet to help your little one maintain friendships even from a distance. There are several platforms they can use so to chat and even play with their classmates and friends, despite the distance.

Learning from home presents several challenges especially when children are first trying to get used to this new setup. But with the help of these tips, you can help them navigate this journey with ease and have fun while learning. 

For more helpful parenting tips and resources, or if you’re looking for the best preschool for your child, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center


The post Online Learning Tips: Helping Your Child Adjust to Remote Learning appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/2VwotRs

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Master Working from Home When You Have Kids

After a while working from home, most parents fall into a rhythm and figure out effective ways to juggle work and family life in one setting. If you are new to working from home, it may take a while to figure some of this stuff out.

Working from home has its own ups and downs. It lets you spend more time with your kids, focus on their growth, and help with their development without compromising your work and professional goals. However, some parents may struggle to stay productive and keep their sanity intact.

Family members, especially kids, may think that presence equals availability. If they see you at home, they may think it’s okay to interact with you without restriction. To avoid distractions and stay productive, you’ll have to set clear boundaries.

Having the best of both worlds—domestic bliss and professional success—is achievable, but you need to set up a plan to be more effective. Here are some tips:


Designate a Conducive Work Space

Setting boundaries is crucial to staying productive while at home. A visible boundary between your personal and work lives is a great start for this.

Consider your kids and their age and the amount of supervision they require when choosing a work space. Depending on their needs, you can set up a separate room as a designated work space, separate your space with rugs or shelves, or convert a closet into a workstation.

For kids who require a lot of supervision, make sure that they are still within eyesight.


Communicate and Set Expectations

In every job, communication plays an important role. Regardless if you are in the office or working remotely, letting your team members or your superior know what you’re working on and the struggles you are facing make the job a bit easier to manage.

Kids may not make your situation easier—they will have needs you have to attend to. This is even more difficult if you are a single parent.

Make sure that you proactively inform your employer that you have kids at home and there will be times when conversations or meetings may be interrupted.

Flexible working hours may be ideal, if you have that option in your company.

That way, you can attend to your children’s needs and work when they are preoccupied with a game or a book. When you assign screen time for kids, you can be with them working in the background as they watch their favorite movie.


Take Breaks with your Kids

During this time when parents are at home, kids may want to take advantage of the opportunity for more together time. They can spend more time with you, play with you, and eat with you.

When it’s not so busy with your work, take intermittent breaks—five to minutes or so—to read a book with them. This will make them feel loved and important.


Capitalize on Sleep Time

Take advantage of nap times. While they are sleeping is the perfect time to be more productive at work. Save crucial tasks that require your undivided focus and concentration for these times. 


Use Screen Time for Kids Wisely

While you don’t want your kids to spend most of their day in front of the screen while you work, you can still take advantage of some media. Choose educational games or videos prior to starting your work. Make sure that you create a schedule and structure their usage with time limits and security restrictions.

An alternative to screen time can be art or writing projects. Tell them what you’re involved with and “hire” them as your assistants. Ask them to write a client letter or draw a new label for product packaging.

They will feel engaged and useful while you get time to focus on the work that needs to be done. A special bonus is that you will get to see their unique perspective on the work you do.

Working from home with kids around can be a challenge. However, you do not need to do this alone. If you have a partner, collaborate and work together to create a balance.


The Pillars Christian Learning Center is a place whose main focus is the development of your child. Need assistance taking care and nurturing your kids to become better adults? Contact us today.

The post How to Master Working from Home When You Have Kids appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/2VsGU8v

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

5 Effective Ways to Help Boost your Child’s Immune System

Keeping ourselves safe in the midst of a worldwide health crisis is a challenge not only for our world leaders but also for us parents who want to keep everyone in the family safe. If we could keep our children away from unwelcome diseases at all times and wrap them up in a plastic bubble, we would, but that’s of course, outrageous and impossible. 

So what should we do then? The next best step is to work on boosting our child’s immune system.

Luckily we have antibodies that protect us by naturally fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses that make us sick. And it doesn’t really take much in the way of effort and resources to strengthen them.

Let’s take a look at some effective ways to boost your child’s immune system.

Probiotic-rich foods strengthen our gut flora

Our tummies house both good and bad bacteria. And while some can be harmful to your health, most bacteria do well in keeping your digestive tract healthy. Maintaining a good balance of good and bad live microorganisms in the gut is necessary for our gastrointestinal health, and boosting the presence of our good gut flora also equates to boosting our immune system. 

Eating probiotic-rich food such as yogurt, pickles, some types of cheeses, kimchi, etc, can help introduce live good bacteria in the stomach. Although supplements can do this too, finding natural food sources is always the ideal way to ingest them.

These probiotic-rich foods give plenty of benefits for strengthening gastrointestinal health. They also reduce the chances of your kids getting an upset stomach, developing autoimmune diseases, and having various food intolerances. 

Replace sugary snacks with fruit

Kids tend to have an insatiable love for snacks. Chips and other sweets are okay in moderation but are not an ideal food to give your kids as snacks for school, nor something to munch on a lazy weekday afternoon. 

So while kids are busy playing video games or watching TV, swap out these unhealthy snacks for yummy fruit slices. Not only are they sweet and healthy, but also a surefire way to help boost your child’s immune system.

Colostrum is essential

Remember when our kids were babies and they were so small and fragile? They nestled in our arms the moment they were born.

Babies don’t have fully-developed immune systems when they’re born. The colostrum from breast milk takes care of providing disease-fighting antibodies for them. As a result, kids who were breastfed and were able to take the colostrum from their mothers are less prone to sickness as they’re growing.

If you had trouble breastfeeding, you may think it’s too late for your child to get a chance at getting that nutritious first meal once they’re grown. Luckily, colostrum isn’t only found in humans. Calves and goats get them too, and supplements are available to help boost your child’s immune system. 

Introduce Green Leafy Veggies

Healthy meals also contribute to boosting your child’s immune system. Green leafy veggies most especially are helpful for your child in several ways.

There’s methylation that comes from sulfur-containing veggies that contribute to the body’s detoxification. There’s a reason why moms feed their kids brussels sprouts and broccoli. These veggies help provide the necessary B-vitamins that aid the process of methylation, which then helps in flushing out harmful toxins from the body.

Make them love the experience of taking healthy veggies by including them in fun meals and smoothies. Incorporate them in meatballs or pasta sauce. Whichever way you can find to add them, do so. This bit of effort will soon pay off when you have a healthy kid running around the house. 

Reduce Antibiotic Intake

Antibiotics are largely prescribed by physicians to help with bacterial infections. But avoid them when you can.

Not only do antibiotics kill bad bacteria in the stomach but they also affect the good bacteria in there too and that spells trouble for the body’s natural immune system. 

Though it shouldn’t be completely avoided as it does help in curing some ailments, making informed decisions about the medicines your child takes can do a lot in keeping their natural immune system strong.

Caring for your child means caring for their health and also their well-being. At The Pillars Christian Learning Center, we emphasize three fundamental pillars of health: a healthy mind, a healthy body, and a healthy faith. Find out more at The Pillars Christian Learning Center.


The post 5 Effective Ways to Help Boost your Child’s Immune System appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/3aBtU6Q

Friday, March 13, 2020

How to Make Traveling with Kids Easy and Stress-free

Do you know what’s fun? For a lot of us, that’s traveling the world, exploring new sights and finding new experiences. But do you know what’s even better? Seeing your child’s face light up in joy with beaming smiles as they take in these new experiences with you.

Traveling with kids can be a hassle when things don’t go as planned. Luckily, times have changed and traveling with kids has become more convenient. 

Thanks to the internet, traveling the world has become more accessible. Planning is as easy as a few clicks of a mouse button. Need to book a flight? Just go to your computer and book them online. Preparing an itinerary? Tour packages have got you covered. Wondering about where to stay? Hotel booking websites have a wide array of rentable spaces to choose from.

From travel blogs, to cheap flights, to affordable accommodation and tour packages, all the information you need is right at your fingertips.

All that’s left is to pack your bags and leave.

Here are a few tips to make traveling with kids easy and stress-free. 

Set a flight plan whenever you’re bringing kids

Stress-free travel begins with a well-executed flight plan. Check in early if you have baggage that needs to be checked to avoid rushing for your flight. Set proper expectations for your children so they know what will happen before and during the trip, from the check-in to boarding, flight safety, and any layovers. 

Flights can also cause drastic change in temperatures so it’s best to layer clothes. Make them as easy and comfortable as possible for your kids. Avoid buttons that can get in the way if they need to get to the restroom. And opt for slip-ons or velcro instead of laces for footwear.

Remember that planes have pressurized cabins. That can cause discomfort in the ears when there’s a change in altitude during takeoff or landing. This can get uncomfortable especially to young kids.

Help your child depressurize their ears by bringing snacks or pacifiers. But the best way to pop their ears? Chewing gum. Give your child some when they’re old enough to chew it without making a mess. 

Prepare for travel safety

Having a family member get lost during the trip can be a nightmare. Take extra precautions when bringing kids on trips. Set up a meeting point when out in the streets or places with lots of people. 

Have them memorize your contact information or keep it close to them at all times. Even give them a printed copy of your travel itinerary that they can keep in their pocket.

Practice scenarios in which they can safely reach out to someone for help. Teach them to identify and seek help from a trusted adult such as a woman with a child, a salesperson with a nametag, or a security guard.

One safe rule of thumb to teach your kids (even at home) is: if you approach a stranger and they appear to be friendly, it’s probably safe to trust them. But if a stranger approaches you and appears to be friendly, it’s best to be wary.

To avoid the uncertainty altogether, look into using a GPS bracelet when traveling. This saves you from the worries of locating your child in case they get lost.

Avoid overpacking

Imagine yourself bringing a huge load of baggage with your kids tagging along and pulling at the hem of your shirt. Sounds miserable? Well it is and this is why you should leave unnecessary stuff at home and avoid overpacking when possible. 

You can get most stuff on the road anyway. Strollers can be rented, baby monitors have an app for it. So try to reduce packing into only the necessities. Pack versatile pieces of clothing that can be paired with other pieces and worn for a variety of different occasions. 

Keep a stash of snacks

Keeping a small pack with essentials and snacks within easy reach on a trip can reduce the hassle of having to go through all your bags searching.

Meltdowns can happen any time. Especially when children are hungry. Bringing some snacks in the essentials backpack will help minimize that.

Always Use the Restroom Before You Leave a Place

Let’s face it, kids have a knack for needing to go to the bathroom when there are no nearby toilets in the area. Make it a habit to head to the restroom whenever one is nearby before you leave a place.

When it comes to traveling with kids, preparation and foresight is key. Following these helpful tips can help you leave the stress at home, and focus on enjoying the trip with your family!

When it comes to a quality preschool education for your child, we’re here to take care of that for you. Here at The Pillars Christian Learning Center, we value the importance of learning essential life skills to set a child on the path to success. Send your little one to a school that fosters holistic growth and development. Give us a call for more information. 


The post How to Make Traveling with Kids Easy and Stress-free appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/39Jfa5r

Monday, February 24, 2020

Your Guide to Helping Children Develop Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy is the ability to identify, understand, name, and process feelings. Not just your own, but also the feelings expressed by others.

This deeply undervalued and unappreciated skill is a better indicator of intelligence and a better predictor of success than IQ. At least that’s what the latest research suggests.

So what is it and how can we help cultivate it in our children?

Appreciating the nuance

A big part of emotional literacy is understanding and embracing just how complex feelings can be. The English language has over 4,000 words that describe feelings.

Almost always, what a person is feeling at any given time is really a combination of more than one emotion.

For example, we may think of someone as angry when that’s really just an umbrella term covering emotions that may include frustration, emotional hurt, physical pain, anguish, fear, or even embarrassment.

The same is true of positive emotions. Happy is just an umbrella term that may include proud, excited, satisfied, and a number of other feelings.

A person who has emotional literacy understands the complexity and nuance of emotions.

Learning emotional literacy

No one is born simply knowing this stuff. It has to be learned.

We can instill it in our children. Start by reassuring them that feelings are normal. Help them put labels on their feelings as a way to describe them, but never as a way to judge certain feelings as “good” or “bad”.

Help them recognize the sources, or triggers, for various feelings. Simply knowing what caused you to feel a certain way is a big help to expressing that constructively.

Help them see how feelings change based on circumstances and environment. What each of us is feeling right now is not the same as what we felt an hour ago. Nor is it the same as what we’ll be feeling an hour from now.

These fluctuations are perfectly normal and healthy.

Putting emotional literacy to practical use

While there may be patterns to our general emotions and demeanor, we are not slaves to our feelings. Learning to understand and describe what we’re feeling takes away some of the power those feelings hold over us.

For a preschooler, this is a pretty big deal.

Gradually you will teach them — through understanding rather than punishment — that things like throwing a wailing tantrum over not getting a piece of candy is not a constructive way to express one’s feelings.

Children who learn to understand, accept, and regulate their emotions become far more resilient. They experience negative emotions less intensely and for shorter periods of time. They are also less prone to depression.

At the same time, their ability to embrace so-called positive emotions becomes stronger. They form closer friendships and even perform better academically.

Color with every crayon in the box

In the same way that a box of crayons has more colors in it than simply red, yellow, and blue, we as humans have a wide range of emotions too.

Use this analogy to help your child understand that there is more than one shade of green. There are also many kinds of happiness, or love, or irritation.

Giving your child a rich emotional vocabulary as a way to describe a wide array of emotions is key to helping them learn to manage their feelings.

Research has shown that the words we use to label something has a powerful impact on how we perceive that thing. Different people experiencing the very same trigger event, but using different words to describe their feelings toward it, had measurable differences in their bodies’ physiological reactions.

This fact can even be turned into a game that you play with your child. In books and magazines, find photos of people expressing strong emotions. Ask your child to label some of the things the person in the photo might be feeling.

You can even carry the game a step further and invent your own story about what happened to make the person feel the way they do. Maybe the woman in the yellow coat just got a promotion at work, or found a dollar in her pocket, or got to pet a kitten. The man in the green shirt may have bumped his toe on some furniture or spilled hot coffee on his new pants.

As your children get older and better at this, they will naturally add their own layers of complexity. Ask them what things the person in the photo might say, or what may happen next, or if there are other ways the person might express their feelings.

All of these things will help your child build a rich set of mental and emotional tools for expressing their own feelings.

Emotions in action

Kids respond strongly to behaviors that you model. Like it or not, they will observe how you act in various situations and take that as the way they should act as well.

So let your kids see you expressing a range of emotions. Perhaps you won’t want to stop and talk about it when you’re still feeling sad or angry, but at some point sit down with them to talk through your own emotions and how you handle them.

Like meditation, being accepting and mindful of your emotions and how to respond to them takes practice. It also brings peace of mind and a less turbulent experience of life.

This is a powerful skill to pass on to your children.

At The Pillars Christian Learning Center, our entire focus is on helping your children grow into the best adults they can possibly be. Call and arrange to stop by so you can see our approach in action.


The post Your Guide to Helping Children Develop Emotional Literacy appeared first on The Pillars Christian Learning Center.

from The Pillars Christian Learning Center https://ift.tt/37Tki5h